Happy Christmas

Hey there everyone, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas spending it with your loved ones and exchanging those gifts that you picked out for each person aswell as enjoying all the food and drink.....I know I did, well apart from the drink that is haha.

Usually on a Friday a blog post is scheduled to go up, but seeing as the Friday just gone was Christmas Day I decided to just enjoy the day by spending time with my family and also the new addition to the family.........my new baby nephew Henry. Henry was born on Christmas Eve so he was an extra special present to everyone this year :-)

On Christmas morning I spent a few hours with my mum, youngest sister, brother-in-law and of course baby Henry and opened the presents that we got each other, then about 11am I went over my other sisters to see her and my niece Daisy for a bit to give them there presents and then about 12:30pm I went up to my older sisters to spend the rest of the day with her and my other nieces and nephew, and also had Christmas Dinner there aswell.
So I sort of spread myself out across 3 different houses on Christmas Day haha was all good though. I received some lovely presents from everyone, all the adults only get a few presents each year as its now more about the kids than us adults.....as it should be aswell!.

I might do a "What I Got For Christmas" blog post when I get back home to Wales on the 5th January as other than 3 things, all the other bits are still in there boxes as its just easier to take it back home whilst its all on there packing.

This is only a short blog post today, but I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and are looking forward to New Years Eve if you have anything planned :-)

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