As you may or may not have noticed, blog posts on Nail-Beauty-Life haven't been that often like they usually are. In the past there has been up to 3 blog post's a week.....and I will get back to that, I promise.
So here is the reason why......
If you've been reading my blog for a while now you will know that I am originally from London, and moved to Newport in Wales just over 3 years ago now and one of my new years resolutions was to at some point move back to London, and we set ourselves a goal to do this by November/December 2016.
Well....through hard saving and cutting back on loads of stuff we have saved up the first months rent and have found a 2 bedroom house. So instead of moving in November/December like planned.....the move is happening in just over 1 weeks time!
So the last 2 weeks have been hectic getting the house sorted and packing everything up, not to mention I was also down in London from the 20th February until the 7th March to celebrate both mine and my niece's birthdays.
I seriously never knew how much stuff we actually had in this house until we started packing, my bedroom seems to be the one room in the house that has the most is that?! haha
We are getting there slowly with getting everything packed up and everything is starting to look pretty bare, especially the walls!
I'm definitely gonna miss living in Wales, as I love how everyone is just chilled out and near enough everyone is friendly and says hi to get the odd few moany people (yes old lady who walks her dog down the canal and has a moan about us keeping our dog on the lead..I'm talking about you!).
I'm gonna miss Cwmbran for the shopping, what am I gonna do without Home Bargains and Tiger....those 2 stores are yet to open where I'm moving to, although Store Twenty One has just opened down there so hopefully not too long before the others do aswell *fingers crossed*.
I'm definitely gonna try and get some blog post's pre-written and scheduled in between packing, but if not then keep checking back as I am looking forward to getting back into regular blogging again....although a little break every now and then is needed sometimes :-).
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