Treating Your Pets...

I was recently sent some products from the company to review for my 3 pets, which are 2 cats called Gizmo and Milo and also 1 dog called Lana.
I received these items a few weeks ago now, but I’ve only just got round to writing up this blog post where have been super busy with moving from Wales back down to London.
I received a range of items ranging from cat/dog food right through to treats aswell and my 3 pets have tried and tested them all.

My cats loved this food and dived straight into it as soon as their bowls were put in front of them for them to try out. My sisters cats also couldn’t help but to have a good nose at the stuff as I was taking the blog photos for this post.
Canagan cat food is carefully selected to provide your cats with an optimum balanced diet, it is also grain free which means it contains more nutrients and is less likely to trigger allergies in your cat.

Almo nature cat food is pouches of wet food in jelly and of course my cats LOVED this…they do like a bit of wet food as do most cats. I didn’t manage to get any pictures of my cats eating this as by the time I got my camera out to set up they had already eaten it all, that's how much they liked it haha.
Almo Nature has added vitamins & minerals in it to keep our gorgeous cats all nice and healthy.

Pet Munchies Dog Treats...

Pet munchies are natural treats for your dog, and in this case for my dog Lana. I received the chicken breast fillet ones for Lana and I can honestly say that she loved them!
The cats must of liked the smell of them aswell as they kept trying to have a smell of it whilst Lana was eating, but Lana wasn't letting them anywhere near it.
As you can see from the picture above Lana thoroughly enjoyed this treat and I will no doubt be buying more once this packet runs out, as she has still got a few of them left at the moment.

Grain Free Dog Food...

The grazing british lamb dry dog food that I received for Lana, I have yet to try it on her yet as I'm still using some from another brand that I brought a while ago and need to use those up first before opening up another bag.
Although just from looking at these I have a feeling she is gonna like them as they look similar to ones she has had before. Once I have tried her on these I will be sure to update this post to let you all know how she got on with them, I will try and get some pictures of her aswell.

Although there is links to all these products throughout this blog post, I will leave direct links to everything below just to make it a bit easier if you wish to check these out for your fur-babies

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