Keeping You Close To My Heart!

Heart Locket

I thought I would do a bit of a personal blog post to share with you today, and show you one of the presents that I got off of my mum for Christmas.

She brought me this gorgeous silver heart locket necklace which opens up so you can add 2 little photos on the inside of it. On Boxing Day I had 2 photo's put in it and it hasn't come off of my neck since (well, except when I have a bath/shower of course ha-ha).


The first photo is of my nan who sadly passed away back in 2001 which is quite a long time ago now. My nan meant the world to me and like the rest of the family I was devastated when she died.
I still to this day remember the day she died, laying in the hospital surrounded by a few family members, me included. Her breathing quietened and slowed down and then she just peacefully slipped away.
I always said I would never forget her and I haven't and still miss her every day, but now having her picture in my locket as the title of this blog post says "I'm Keeping You Close To My Heart"

The second picture I have in my locket is of my first ever dog called Chelsea, she was the most well behaved and trained dog that I've ever had. I had Chelsea since she was a puppy and she lived up until she was 16.

We first noticed something was wrong with her when she kept bumping into things and was having trouble walking, so after a visit to the vets they confirmed that she was slowly losing her eyesight and having problems with her kidneys. But controlled with medication she would be fine, after a few weeks she got really ill and it got to the point where she was laying there and wetting herself because she could no longer walk.
So after a long talk as a family and with the vet, we decided it wasn't fair on her to have her in pain and keep her alive and made the decision to have her put to sleep. It was me and my mum who took her on that visit to the vets, and not only was we crying the vet who had been treating her was also crying as she gave her that final injection.

Although now all I have is my memories of these, with their photos in my locket I will always be

*be sure to follow me on bloglovin' to see more post's like this in the future*

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