In February I Want To...

Monthly Goals

Like last month, I have set myself some goals again for the month of February. I am really happy with the way my blog is going at the moment and I hope as a reader of this blog, you continue to enjoy the posts that I do :-)

In February I Want To...

- Reach 400 Instagram Followers

I have fallen back in love with Instagram over the last couple of weeks, and finally reached my January target, so I'm now setting myself my next one. I have been using Insta Stories more and also interacting with other people over on there aswell. I also started doing a pink Instagram theme, but it was so hard to keep up with and get pictures for, so I have gone back to a white theme which does seem to be getting a lot of love lately which I'm happy about.

- Quality Over Quantity

I have started to notice that the more time I spend on a blog post the more attention it seems to get, so from now on, I have decided not to force myself to publish a blog post every 2 days like I had originally planned but instead to focus more on the writing side of things. I want to make sure the blog post's that I do publish are the ones that I am 110% happy with and are not just posted because I "haven't posted in a while".

- Finish Editing This Layout

As you may have already noticed, Nail-Beauty-Life has finally got a newly designed header and it was all done by myself, I am super happy with how it turned out and was all made using paint shop pro. I have also managed to change the background of the menu bar to add in a bit of colour, and all that is really left to do is tweak the sidebar a bit to get some colour into that.

- Finish My Photography Course

I am so nearly finished with this course, I submitted my 8th assignment already and passed that one, and now I have just got to tackle my final assignment which consists of 1 question but with 4 parts to it, and I will be the first to admit that it doesn't half look hard 😂. I am determined to either have this part completed by the end of February or at least get 2 parts of the question done, hopefully, I will pass this part and get my certificates!

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