In January I Want To...

In January I Want To

In 2018 there are a few things I want to achieve and I am going to span them out over the next 12 months, which means one of these blog posts will be posted every month.... so here goes:

In January I want to...

- Reach 300 Followers on Instagram

I was so close to getting to this at the end of 2017, but the minute I put on my Instagram stories that I was nearly at my yearly target....loads of people unfollowed me on there, so I'm now down to 282 when I was at 295 and that happened in the space of a few hours.

- Improve my photography

I'm already working on this by using my DSLR camera to take most of my photos now, and I've also stopped using vsco cam to edit my pictures aswell. I have now moved over to editing in photoshop and am loving the results I'm seeing, this is also helping me come up with some colour idea's in how I want my Instagram account to look.

- Read 2 Books

The books I have got for this month are "Sister" by Rosamund Lupton and Holly Hagan's "Not Quite A geordie", I love getting stuck into .a good book but never seem to make the time for it anymore but I am making a change in that and starting with 2 books each month

- Save Money

I've already started doing this, well small bits anyway, I've decided to do the 1p challenge again this year which means by the end of this year I should have saved up £667.95, I am looking to round this up to £700 though!

- Stick to a blog schedule

Throughout January I am hoping to post every 2 days, and so far so good (ok there's only 2 posts so far but bear with me), I having downloaded and blogging schedule thing on my computer to plan out posts and so far I've got up until the 10th all planned out. This does include a guest post aswell from my usual guest blogger in Australia.

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