London Bound

This picture has been taken from my personal Instagram account: clairejoanne1986

Today which is the 20th August I will be travelling down to London and won't be home until the 1st September ahh. I am off to visit family as I haven't been down in what feels like forever, although I have had family up here to visit for a week, this trip will be special for 2 occasions.....firstly it will be my oldest niece's birthday and she will be 12 and secondly on the 25th I get to find out whether it will be a new niece or a new nephew that will be arriving into the family in January as that will be when my sister finds out what she is having.
Although I will be taking my laptop and iPad down with me I'm not sure how many blog post's I'm gonna be able to get up during those 10 days, as although I will be staying where there is wifi I don't really like sitting there on my laptop the whole time and also I might not be able to get the good quality photos that I like to go with my blog post's but we will see what happens.

I did plan on getting a few blog posts pre-written and scheduled but then I ended up at the hospital to be told by a surgeon (yes a surgeon had to check as they thought it was appendicitis at first) that I had a severe kidney infection after he came down from theatre to check my stomach. Let me tell you this I wouldn't wish the pain of that on my worse nightmare as it was horrible. I had endless amounts of painkillers, anti-sickness stuff and antibiotics put in me through a drip in my arm, and am now on a strong course of antibiotics to help clear the infection up.

In a recent blog posts of my "List Of Things To Do" which can be found HERE, I've managed to get a few of the things done on them but not all of them, to see which ones I've completed then do go check out the list.
I'm still on a mission though to get the rest of the things on that list done haha.

Today's post has been a bit of a random catch up post, but everyone loves a bit of random every now and then don't they lol, hopefully more posts like this will come in future posts aswell!

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